Income Tax – Latest Updates, Basics, Tax Slabs, Income Tax Department & Laws – Income Tax Guide 2023-24

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What is Income Tax? Income tax is a type of direct tax the central government charges on the income earned during a financial year by the individuals and businesses. It is calculated based on the tax slabs defined by Income Tax Department.

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What’s New in Income Tax

Budget 2023 Updates

  • A tax rebate has been introduced in the New Tax Regime on income upto Rs 7 Lakhs. This implies that you do not have to pay tax if your taxable income is below 7 lakhs under new tax regime.
  • The new tax slabs under the new tax regime will be:
See also  Dinvishesh in June Gujarati pdf | જૂન મહિનાના દિનવિશેષ | જૂનના મહત્વના દિવસો 2023
Income Slabs Tax Rates
up to Rs 3 lakh Nil
Rs 3 lakh- Rs 6 lakh 5%
Rs 6 lakh-Rs 9 lakh 10%
Rs 9 lakh-Rs 12 lakh 15%
Rs 12 lakh- Rs 15 lakh 20%
Above Rs 15 lakh 30%


  • The standard deduction of Rs 50,000 has been introduced under the new tax regime for salaried taxpayers.
  • The highest surcharge under the new tax regime has been reduced to 25% from 37% for people earning more than Rs 5 crore. This move brings down their tax rate from 42.74% to 39%.
  • The new IT regime will be the default tax regime. However, taxpayers can choose the old regime.
  • Leave encashment for non-government employees has been increased to Rs 25 lakh from Rs 3 lakh.
  • TDS rate reduced to 20% from 30% on withdrawal of EPF.

Budget 2023 Updates

  • New provision is introduced to allow taxpayers to update the past return and include omitted income by additional tax payment.
  • Income from transfer of digital assets such as crypto to be taxed at 30%.
  • The surcharge on the long-term capital gains (LTCG) has been capped at 15%

What is Income Tax?

Income tax is a type of tax that the central government charges on the income earned during a financial year by the individuals and businesses. Taxes are sources of revenue for the government. Government utilizes this revenue for developing infrastructure, providing healthcare, education, subsidy to the farmer/agriculture sector and in other government welfare schemes. Taxes are mainly of two types, direct taxes and indirect form of taxes. Tax levied directly on the income earned is called as direct tax, for example Income tax is a direct tax. The tax calculation is based on the income slab rates applicable during that financial year.

Direct Taxes are broadly classified as :

  • Income Tax – This is taxes an individual or a Hindu Undivided Family or any taxpayer other than companies, pay on the income received. The law prescribes the rate at which such income should be taxed
  • Corporate Tax – This is the tax that companies pay on the profits they make from their businesses. Here again, a specific rate of tax for corporates has been prescribed by the income tax laws of India.

Tax Slabs 2023-24

ઇન્કમ ટૅક્સ સ્લેબ 2023-24

ભારત સરકાર ઇન્ફ્રાસ્ટ્રક્ચરલ સુવિધાઓ વિકસાવવા માટે પ્રત્યક્ષ અને પરોક્ષ કરની વારણી વસૂલ કરે છે. કર આવકના વિસ્તૃત સ્પેક્ટ્રમ વચ્ચે, આવકવેરો સૌથી મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે, જ્યાં રોજગાર ધરાવતા વ્યક્તિઓએ અધિકારીઓને તેમની વાર્ષિક આવક પર આવકવેરા ચૂકવવો આવશ્યક છે. Tax Slabs 2023-24

ઇન્કમ ટૅક્સ સ્લેબ શું છે?

ભારતમાં, આવકવેરો એ વ્યવસાયિક સંસ્થાઓ અને વ્યક્તિઓ દ્વારા મેળવેલી આવક પર કરની જવાબદારીનો સંદર્ભ આપે છે. સરકાર પાત્ર મૂલ્યાંકનોમાંથી કર એકત્રિત કરવા માટે એક અસરકારક “આવકવેરા સ્લેબ” પ્રણાલી અપનાવે છે, જ્યાં વ્યક્તિઓ અને સંસ્થાઓને કમાણીના આધારે વર્ગીકૃત કરવામાં આવે છે.

વિવિધ આવક રેન્જ માટે વિવિધ ટેક્સ રેટ સૂચવેલ છે. આવકમાં વધારો વ્યક્તિને ઉચ્ચ કર દરના સ્લેબ પર લાવે છે, જ્યારે આવકમાં ઘટાડો તેમને ઓછા આવકવેરા દરના સ્લેબ પર ખેંચે છે. આ સિસ્ટમનો મુખ્ય હેતુ ભારતમાં પ્રગતિશીલ, સમાન અને પારદર્શક કરવેરા વિંડોની ખાતરી કરવાનો છે.

દર વર્ષે, કેન્દ્રીય પ્રત્યક્ષ કર બોર્ડ, જે ભારતના નાણાં મંત્રાલય હેઠળ કામ કરે છે, કરદાતાઓના આવકવેરા સ્લેબ દરોમાં સુધારો કરે છે. સંસદમાં વાર્ષિક બજેટની ચર્ચા કરતી વખતે ભારતના નાણાં મંત્રી આવકવેરા દરોની જાહેરાત કરે છે.

આવકવેરા અધિનિયમ 1961 મુજબ, “વ્યક્તિગત” નાગરિકોની ત્રણ શ્રેણીઓ છે જેમ કે:

  •  Individuals with age less than 60 years, including residents and non-residents
    ●    Individuals categorized as resident senior citizens, coming in the 60–80 years age group window
    ●    Individuals in the super senior citizen category with an age of more than 80 years

ભારતમાં કરપાત્ર આવકના પ્રકારો

કરપાત્ર આવક એ કુલ આવકનો એક ભાગ છે જેના પર ભારતીય આવક વ્યવસ્થા કરની જવાબદારીઓ લાગુ કરે છે અને પ્રમાણભૂત કપાત કર્યા પછી તે સુનિશ્ચિત કરવામાં આવે છે. ભારતમાં, કરપાત્ર આવકમાં પગાર, બોનસ, રોયલ્ટી, વ્યવસાયો, રોકાણો, બહુવિધ અનર્જિત પરંતુ ઉપાર્જિત આવક વગેરેની આવકનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. ભારતમાં પાંચ મુખ્ય પ્રકારની કરપાત્ર આવકમાં શામેલ છે

  1. પગારથી આવક

આ માથામાં પેન્શન સહિત કર્મચારી પગાર તરીકે પ્રાપ્ત આવકનો સમાવેશ થાય છે.

  1. ઘરની મિલકતમાંથી આવક

જો તમે ભારતમાં તમારી પ્રોપર્ટીને ભાડે આપો છો, તો ભાડા તરીકે પ્રાપ્ત થયેલી રકમ તમારા ક્રેડિટ પર હાઉસ પ્રોપર્ટીની આવક તરીકે કરપાત્ર છે. વ્યવસાય અથવા વ્યવસાયિક હેતુઓ માટે મિલકતને ભાડે આપવાથી મેળવેલી રકમ આ વડા હેઠળ આવતી નથી.

  1. મૂડી લાભમાંથી કમાયેલ આવક

આ વિભાગમાં સંપત્તિઓના પુનઃવેચાણ દ્વારા એકત્રિત કરેલી આવક, શેર, ઇક્વિટી, બોન્ડ્સ, જ્વેલરી, જમીન વગેરે જેવી આવકનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. આ સંપત્તિઓ વેચતી વખતે, તમારે મૂડી લાભ હેડ હેઠળ કરની ચુકવણી કરવી આવશ્યક છે.

  1. વ્યવસાય અથવા વ્યવસાયમાંથી નફા અને લાભથી આવક

વ્યવસાય અથવા વ્યવસાયની આવક આવકવેરા અધિનિયમ 1961 ની કલમ 30 થી 43D સુધી આ શ્રેણી હેઠળ કરવામાં આવે છે. ફ્રીલાન્સ તરીકે પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવતી સેવાઓ પણ અહીં આવરી લેવામાં આવે છે.

  1. અન્ય સ્રોતોની આવક

આ હેડ હેઠળ ઉપરોક્ત ચાર કેટેગરી ક્લબ માટે યોગ્ય ન હોય તેવી બધી આવક. આમાં શામેલ છે

  •  Profits from gambling, lotteries, horse races, etc.
    ●    Gifts from family and friends
    ●    Rental income from properties other than house properties
    ●    Gifts earned from TV or game shows
    ●    Pension collected after the demise of the pensioner
    ●    Interest earned on bonds, securities, FDs, savings bank accounts, etc.
  1. લોન્ગ ટર્મ કેપિટલ ગેન (LTCG)

10 કરોડ રૂપિયાથી વધુ લોન્ગ ટર્મ કેપિટલ ગેન પર ટેક્સ છૂટ હટાવી લેવામાં આવી છે.

હવે કરદાતા 10 કરોડથી વધુના લોન્ગ ટર્મ કેપિટલ ગેન પર 20 ટકા રેટથી ટેક્સ આપવાનો રહેશે.

  1. અગ્નિવીર કોર્પસ ફંડ

અગ્નિવીર કોર્પસ ફંડથી પ્રાપ્ત ચૂકવણી પર છૂટ આપવામાં આવી છે. આ ઉપરાંત સરકારે અગ્નિવીર કોર્પસ ફંડ પર અગ્નિવીરો અને કેન્દ્ર સરકાર દ્વારા આપવામાં આવેલા યોગદાનની રકમ પર ટેક્સ કાપ આપવાનો પણ પ્રસ્તાવ આપ્યો છે.

  1. અંદાજિત ટેક્સેશન

(a) હવે વ્યવસાય કરનારાઓ વધુ 3 કરોડ રૂપિયાની રસીદ, ટર્નઓવર વાળી વ્યક્તિ આવકવેરા અધિનિયમ 1961ની સેક્શન 44AD અંતર્ગત અનુમાનિત ટેક્સેશનનો વિકલ્પ પસંદ કરવા અને રોકડના મામલામાં 8 ટકા દરથી ઈનકમ ઘોષિત કરવાના હકદાર છે. લેણદેણના મામલામાં અથવા ગ્રોસ ટર્નઓવરના નોન કેશ લેણદેણના મામલામાં 6 ટકાના હિસાબથી રિટર્ન ફાઈલ કરી શકે છે. પહેલા આ મર્યાદા 2 કરોડ રૂપિયા હતી.

(b) વ્યવસાય કરનારા અને 75 લાખ રૂપિયાની ગ્રોસ રસીદ અથવા ટર્નઓવર વાળી વ્યક્તિ આવકવેરા અધિનિયમ 1961ની સેક્શન 44 ADA અંતર્ગત અનુમાનિત કરનો વિકલ્પ પસંદ કરવા હકદાર છે અને તેની ગ્રોસ આવક અથવા ટર્નઓવરના 50 ટકા દરથી આવકની ઘોષમા કરી ચેના હિસાબથી રિટર્ન ફાઈલ કરી શકે છે.

પહેલા આ મર્યાદા 50 લાખ રૂપિયાની હતી.

જોકે આ બન્ને મામલામાં એ વાતનું ધ્યાન રાખવાનું રહેશે કે ગ્રોસ રસીદ (અનુમાનિત કુલ આવક)અથવા રોકડ કારોબાર નાણાકીય વર્ષની કુલ રસીદના 5 ટકાથી વધુ ન હોવી જોઈએ.


  1. સેવિંગ સ્કીમ્સની ઘોષણાઓ

નાણાપ્રધાને નિમ્નલિખિત બચત યોજનાઓ અથવા હાલની કેટલીક યોજનાઓમાં ફેરફારનો પ્રસ્તાવ કર્યો છે.

1- વરિષ્ઠ નાગરિત બચત યોજના: મેક્સિમમ ડિપોઝિટ લિમિટને 15 લાખ રૂપિયાથી વધારીને 30 લાખ રૂપિયા કરવામાં આવશે,

2- સંયુક્ત ખાતાધારકો માટે પોસ્ટ ઓફિસ મંથલી ઈનકમ સ્કીમની લિમિટ બમણી થઈને 9 લાખ રૂપિયાથી 15 લાખ રૂપિયા થઈ ગઈ છે.

3- મહિલા સન્માન બચત પ્રમાણપત્ર: મહિલાઓ માટે એક નવી બચત યોજના 2 વર્ષ માટે માર્ચ 2025 સુધી ઉપલબ્ધ કરાવવામાં આવશે તે વાર્ષિક 7.5 ટકાનું નિશ્ચિત વ્યાજદર 2 વર્ષની મુદત માટે 2 લાખ રૂપિયા સુધી જમા કરવાની સુવિધા પ્રદાન કરશે. તેમાં આશિંક ઉપાડનો પણ વિકલ્પ રહેશે.

11.અન્ય પ્રસ્તાવિત ફેરફાર

  1. a) નાણાપ્રધાને નવી ટેક્સ રિજીમ અંતર્ગત હાઈએસ્ટ સરચાર્જ રેટને 37 ટકાથી ઘટાડીને 25 ટકા કરવાનો પ્રસ્તાવ આપ્યો છે.
  1. b) પારિવારિક પેન્શનના સંબંધમાં હવે નવી ટેક્સ રિજીમ અંતર્ગત 15000 રૂપિયા અથવા પેન્શનનો 1/3, જે ઓછું હોય તેનો કપાત ઉપલબ્ધ છે.
  1. c) નોન ગવર્મેન્ટ સેલરીડ એમ્પ્લોયીની સેવાનિવૃત્તિ સમય પ્રાપ્ત લીવ એન્કેશમેન્ટ પર છૂટની મર્યાદા 3,00,000 રૂપિયાથી વધારીને 25,00,000 રૂપિયા કરી દેવામાં આવી છે.
  1. d) નોન પેન મામલામાં ઈપીએફના ટેક્સેબલ હિસ્સાના ઉપાડ પર ટીડીએસ દરને 30 ટકાથી ઘટાડીને 20 ટકા કરી દેવામાં આવ્યો છે.
  1. e) જીવન વીમા પોલિસી દ્વારા પ્રાપ્ત ઈનકમ પર સરકારે ટેક્સ છૂટને હટાવી દીધી છે, જો વાર્ષિક પ્રીમિયમ 500,000થી વધુ હશે તો.

લેખક-સીએ રાજેશ મંગલા લગભગ ત્રણ દાયકાથી ચાર્ટર્ડ અકાઉન્ટન્ટ છે, તેઓ ટેક્સની બાબતો, ઓડિટ અને મેનેજમેન્ટ કન્સલ્ટિંગના વિશેષજ્ઞ છે. તેઓ ASSOCHAMના સદસ્ય છે અને કોર્પોરેટ મામલાના મંત્રાલયની(MCA) સાથે મીડિએટર અને કાઉન્સિલેટરના રુપમાં જોડાયેલા છે.

નાણાંકીય વર્ષ 2023–24 માટે આવકવેરા સ્લેબ દરો

સરકારે નાણાંકીય વર્ષ 2023–24 માં આવકવેરા માટે નવી વ્યવસ્થાની જાહેરાત કરી છે. અહીં, તમને બે વિકલ્પો પસંદ કરવાની યોગ્ય તક મળશે:

  •  You can choose to pay tax at lower income tax slab rates as per the new tax regime only after forgoing some permissible exemptions and deductions available under the ITA 1961,


  •  You can continue to pay taxes at the current rate, which are slightly higher, and avail of the exemptions and rebates offered by the statute.

નવા કર વ્યવસ્થાના દરો માર્ચ 3<n1>, <n4> દ્વારા એપ્રિલ <n1>, <n2> વચ્ચે કમાયેલી આવક પર લાગુ પડશે.

નાણાંકીય વર્ષ 2023–24 અથવા એવાય 2024–25 માટે નવા કર વ્યવસ્થા હેઠળ સુધારેલા આવકવેરા સ્લેબ દરો

inclusion of an additional health and education cess at the rate of 4% to the tax obligation of the payer.
●    The earlier highest surcharge rate of 37% is reduced to 25% in the new regime. The surcharge shall be

➢    10% of income tax if total income exceeds Rs. 50 lakhs
➢    15% of income tax if total income exceeds Rs. 1 crore
➢    25% of income tax if total income exceeds Rs. 2 crores
➢    37% of income tax if total income exceeds Rs. 5 crores

નાણાંકીય વર્ષ 2022–23 માટે 60 થી 80 વર્ષ વચ્ચેના વરિષ્ઠ નાગરિકો માટે આવકવેરા સ્લેબ

ઇન્કમ ટૅક્સ સ્લૅબ (₹) જૂના વ્યવસ્થામાં આવકવેરાના દરો નવા શાસનમાં આવકવેરાના દરો
2.5 લાખ સુધી કંઈ નહીં


કંઈ નહીં
2.5 લાખથી 3 લાખ સુધી 5%
3 લાખથી 5 લાખ સુધી 5%
5 લાખથી 7.5 લાખ સુધી 20% 10%
7.5 લાખથી 10 લાખ સુધી 15%
10 લાખથી 12.5 લાખ સુધી 30% 20%
12.5 લાખથી 15 લાખ સુધી 25%
15 લાખથી વધુ 30%


નવી અને જૂની કર વ્યવસ્થાઓ વચ્ચેના મુખ્ય તફાવતો

નવી અને જૂની કર વ્યવસ્થાઓ વચ્ચેના મુખ્ય તફાવતો છે:

  •  The new revised tax regime has more tax slabs and reduced tax rates compared to the old tax regime. So, your income tax slab rates for FY 2023–24 shall vary based on whether you choose the new or the old tax regime.
    ●    Some important deductions and exemptions like Section 80C, Section 80D, and others are unavailable in the new regime as in the old one.
    ●    The new tax regime does not categories individuals based on their age group. The old tax regime has different income tax slab rates for assesses of different age groups.

નવું ટૅક્સ સ્લેબ પસંદ કરતા પહેલાં યાદ રાખવાની બાબતો

  •  Make sure you know the exemptions and deductions that are not available in the new tax regime like the old one. These deductions greatly relieve the taxpayers by lowering their tax burden.
    ●    The new tax regime does not offer an exemption based on the age group of the taxpayers. Under the old regime, there was a higher exemption for senior and super-senior citizens.
    ●    In the old tax regime, taxpayers got the dual benefit of tax-saving investments made in PPF, term life insurance, the National Pension Scheme, etc.

ઇન્કમટેક્ષ આકારણી ૫ત્રક ઓટોમેટિક એક્સલ ફાઇલ ડાઉનલોડ કરો મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

આકારણી પત્રક 2023-24 Jagadish Patel ની ફાઈલ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહી ક્લીક કરો.

આકારણી પત્રક 2023-24 Pradipsinh Sisodiya ની ફાઈલ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા અહી ક્લીક કરો.

👉INCOME TAX ઇન્કમટેક્સ માહિતી પુસ્તિકા-2023-24 ગુજરાતી PDF Download

👉INCOME TAX  ओफिसियल केल्क्यु लेटर … માટે અહી ક્લીક કરો.

નવા INCOME ટેક્સ સ્લેબ અને જુના INCOME ટેક્સ સ્લેબ વિશે વિગતવાર સમજૂતીનો વિડીયો જોવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

ગુજરાતી ઇન્કમ ટેકસ એપ્લીકેશન ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

ઇન્કમ ટેક્સ કેલ્ક્યુલેટર એપ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

Who should pay Income Tax? – Types of Tax Payers

The Income tax Act has classified the types of taxpayers in various categories. Different tax rules apply for different types of taxpayers.
Taxpayers are categorized as below:

  • Individuals
  • Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)
  • Firms
  • Companies
  • Association of Persons(AOP)
  • Body of Individuals (BOI)
  • Local Authority
  • Artificial Judicial Person

Further, Individuals are broadly classified into residents and non-residents. Resident individuals are liable to pay tax on their global income in India i.e. income earned in India and abroad. Whereas, those who qualify as Non-residents need to pay taxes only on income earned or accrued in India. The residential status has to be determined separately for tax purposes for every financial year on the basis of the individual tenor of stay in India.Resident Individuals are further classified into below mentioned categories for tax purposes-

  • Individuals less than 60 years of age
  • Individuals aged more than 60 but less than 80 years
  • Individuals aged more than 80 years

Types of Income – What are the 5 heads of income?

Everyone who earns or gets an income in India is subject to income tax.(Yes, be it a resident or a non-resident of India ). For simpler classification, the Income tax department breaks down income into five main heads:

Head of Income Nature of Income covered
Income from Other Sources Income from savings bank account interest, fixed deposits, winning in lotteries is taxable under this head
Income from House Property Income earned from renting a house property is taxable under this head of income
Income from Capital Gains Surplus Income from sale of a capital asset such as mutual funds, shares, house property etc is taxable under this head of Income.
Income from Business and Profession Profits earned by self employed individuals, businesses , freelancers or contractors & income earned by professionals like life insurance agents, chartered accountants, doctors and lawyers who have their own practice, tuition teachers are taxable under this head.
Income from Salary Income earned from salary and pension is taxable under this head of income

Taxpayers and Tax Slabs

Each of these taxpayers is taxed differently under the Indian income tax laws. While firms and Indian companies have a fixed rate of tax calculated on their tax profits, the individual,HUF, AOP and BOI taxpayers are taxed based on the income slab they fall under. People’s incomes are grouped into blocks called tax brackets or tax slabs. And each tax slab has a different tax rate. Rate at which income is charged to tax increases with increase in income. Budget 2020 introduced a ‘New tax regime’ for the Individuals and HUF taxpayers :

What is the Existing / Old Income Tax Regime?

The old tax regime provides 3 slab rates for levy of income tax which are 5%, 20% tax rate and 30% for different brackets of income. The individuals have been given the option to continue with this Old tax regime and they can claim deductions of allowances like Leave Travel Concession (LTC), House Rent Allowance (HRA), and certain other allowances. Additionally, deductions for tax saving investments as per section 80C (LIC, PPF ,NPS etc) to 80U can be claimed. Standard deduction of Rs 50,000, deduction for interest paid on home loan.
Tax slab rates applicable for Individual taxpayer below 60 years for Old tax regime is as below:


Income Range

Tax rate

Tax to be paid

Up to Rs.2,50,000


No tax

Rs 2.5 lakhs – Rs 5 lakhs


5% of your taxable income

Rs 5 lakhs – Rs 10 lakhs


Rs 12,500+20% on income above Rs 5 lakh

Above 10 lakhs


Rs 1,12,500+30% on income above Rs 10 lakh

There are two other tax slabs for two other age groups: those who are 60 and older and those who are above 80.A word of note: People often misunderstand that if they earn let’s say Rs.12 lakhs, they will be paying a 30% tax on Rs.12 lakhs i.e Rs.3,60,000. That’s incorrect. A person earning 12 lakhs in the progressive tax system, will pay Rs.1,12,500+ Rs.60,000 = Rs. 1,72,500. Check out the income tax slabs for previous years and other age brackets.

Income Tax Slabs Under New Tax Regime

A new tax regime is available for individuals and HUFs with lower tax rates and zero deductions/exemptions. Individuals and HUF have the option to choose the new regime or continue with the old regime. The new tax regime is optional and the choice should be made at the time of filing the ITR. If the old regime is continued than all the deductions/exemptions as available can be availed by the taxpayer.

The income tax slabs under the new tax regime for FY 2022-23 (AY 2023-24) are:

New tax regime slab rates 
(FY 2022-23)

Existing/old tax regime slab rates (FY 2022-23)

Up to Rs.2.5 lakh


Up to Rs.2.5 lakh


Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 5 lakh


Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 5 lakh


Rs 5 lakh to Rs 7.5 lakh


Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh


Rs 7.5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh


Income above Rs 10 lakh


Rs 10 lakh to Rs 12.5 lakh


Rs 12.5 lakh to Rs 15 lakh


Income above Rs 15 lakh


In Budget 2023, the income tax slabs under the new tax regime for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25) are revised as follows:

New tax regime FY 2023-24
(After budget)

New tax regime FY 2022-23
(Before budget)

Income up to Rs 3 lakh


Up to Rs.2.5 lakh


Rs 3 lakh to Rs 6 lakh


Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 5 lakh


Rs 6 lakh to Rs 9 lakh


Rs 5 lakh to Rs 7.5 lakh


Rs 9 lakh to Rs 12 lakh


Rs 7.5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh


Rs 12 lakh to Rs 15 lakh


Rs 10 lakh to Rs 12.5 lakh


Income above Rs 15 lakh


Rs 12.5 lakh to Rs 15 lakh


Income above Rs 15 lakh


Most of the deductions like deductions and exemptions are not allowed if the taxpayers opts for the New Tax regime. However he exemptions and deductions available under the new regime are:

  • Transport allowances in case of a specially-abled person.
  • Conveyance allowance received to meet the conveyance expenditure incurred as part of the employment.
  • Any compensation received to meet the cost of travel on tour or transfer.
  • Daily allowance received to meet the ordinary regular charges or expenditure you incur on account of absence from his regular place of duty.

Exceptions to the Income Tax Slab

One must bear in mind that not all income can be taxed on slab basis. Capital gains income is an exception to this rule. Capital gains are taxed depending on the asset you own and how long you’ve had it. The holding period would determine if an asset is long term or short term. The holding period to determine nature of asset also differs for different assets. A quick glance of holding periods, nature of asset and the rate of tax for each of them is given below.

Financial year

The financial year is a one-year period that the taxpayers use for accounting and financial reporting purposes. It is the year in which the income is earned. According to the Income Tax Act, such a period begins from 1st April of the calendar year to 31st March of the next calendar year. It is abbreviated as “FY”. For example, for the financial year starting from 1st April 2022 and ending on 31st March 2023, it can be written as FY 2022-23.

Assessment year

The one year period from 1st April to 31st March starting immediately after the financial year is termed as assessment year. This period is called the assessment year because all the taxpayers have to evaluate their income earned in the financial year and pay taxes in this year. For example, for incomes earned during the FY 2022-23, the assessment year will be AY 2023-24.


The assesses is a person or a group who assesses his/her income and pays tax as per the Income Tax Act. The assessee can be an individual, a partnership firm, a company, an Association of Persons (AOP), trust, etc.

What is PAN?

PAN is an abbreviation for the Permanent Account Number. It is a unique 10-digit alphanumeric digit issued by the Income Tax Department to Indian taxpayers. All the tax-related transactions and information of a person are recorded against their unique permanent account number. When the person has to pay advance tax or self assessment tax, he/she needs to mention the PAN number. Also, where the person submits his PAN to certain entities like banks, mutual fund companies, etc. The financial information from such entities goes to the income tax department via PAN. This allows the taxman to link all tax-related activities with the department. Hence, just by putting a permanent account number the taxman can identify all your financial transactions.

What is TAN?

TAN is an abbreviation for Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number. It is a unique 10 digit alpha numeric digit allotted by the Income Tax Department of India. All persons responsible for deduction (TDS) or collection of tax (TCS) are responsible for obtaining TAN. It is compulsory to quote the TAN in TDS/TCS return, any TDS/TCS payment challan, and TDS/TCS certificates.

Residents and non residents

Levy of income tax in India is dependent on the residential status of a taxpayer. Individuals who qualify as a resident in India must pay tax on their global income in India i.e. income earned in India and abroad. Whereas, those who qualify as Non-residents need to pay taxes only on their Indian income. The residential status has to be determined separately for every financial year for which income and taxes are computed.

Income Tax Payment

Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)

For specified payments, tax is deducted at source by the payer when making payment to the recipient of income. The recipient of income can claim the credit of the TDS amount by adjusting it with the final tax liability.

Advance Tax

The taxpayer must pay tax in advance when his estimated income tax liability for the year exceeds Rs 10,000. The government has specified due dates for payment of advance tax installments.

Self-Assessment Tax

It is the balance tax that the taxpayer has to pay on the assessed income. The self-assessment tax is calculated after reducing the advance tax and TDS from the total income tax calculated on the assessed income.

e-Payment of Taxes

The taxpayers can pay advance tax, self-assessment tax online from the NSDL website. However, the taxpayer should have a net banking facility with an authorised bank.

Filing your ITR

Filing of income tax return online has been made mandatory for all classes of taxpayers barring few exceptions :

  • Taxpayers aged 80 and above need not filed return online
  • Taxpayers having an income less than Rs 5 lakhs and not claiming a refund need not file return online

For the rest, online filing is mandatory. Do note that deadlines for filing of returns have also been prescribed. For most individual taxpayers, the due date for filing return of income is 31 July immediately following the concerned financial year. If you do not file on time, here are some disadvantage:

  • You will be denied carry forward of losses (except house property loss) to future years
  • Delay processing of refund claims if any
  • Difficulty on getting home loans
  • Levy of late filing fee upto Rs 10,000 under Section 234F
  • Levy of interest under 234A if there are taxes due as on 31 July.

E-filing online is a more complete and better alternative to filing on the income tax website. Also it is for more than just e-filing your income tax return. Clear helps you claim all the deductions you’re eligible for and helps you invest. Once you file your return online, you either e-verify the same or take a print of the ITR V and send it to CPC, Bengaluru for processing of your return.
Read our detailed article on e-verification of return of income.
Here’s a guide to e-filing your first tax return on Clear.

Income Tax Return

The taxpayer shall file an income tax return every year via ITR forms prescribed by the income tax department. The government has prescribed seven ITR forms through which the taxpayer can file his income tax return. The taxpayer has to choose the appropriate ITR forms and file his income tax return.

Income Tax Forms List

The seven ITR forms are:

  • ITR-1: Individuals (residents) having income from salary, one house property, other sources, agricultural income less than Rs 5,000 and with a total income of up to Rs 50 lakh
  • ITR-2: Individuals/HUFs not having any business or profession under any proprietorship
  • ITR-3: Individuals/HUFs having income from a proprietary business or profession
  • ITR-4: Individuals/HUFs having presumptive income from business or profession
  • ITR-5: Partnership firms or LLPs
  • ITR-6: Companies
  • ITR-7: Trusts

Documents Required for ITR Filing

Form 16, Form 26AS, Form 16A, proof of tax saving investments made, bank account details etc are some of the crucial details / documents that you need to be ready with before filing your return. Further the documents you are going to need to file your tax return are largely going to depend on your source of income. Here is our detailed article on documents you need for filing of your return of income.

How can I calculate my income tax?

Individuals should calculate income tax depending on the nature of income. The salaried individual can take the eligible exemptions available for various allowances received. Individuals/HUF can take a deduction under Sections 80C to 80U, deduct it from the gross total income, and calculate the income tax liability. Also, the total income tax liability should be adjusted by the taxes paid, such as advance tax, TDS, etc. Also, the taxpayer should apply the effect of rebate under Section 87A and relief under Section 89, Section 90, and Section 91 to arrive at the net amount of income tax payable.

Every income that your receive should form part of your income tax return. Of course, the law does provide for exemption of certain incomes eg. dividend income from an Indian company, LTCG on listed equity shares upto Rs 1 lakh in any financial year etc. Therefore, here is a quick guideline you can probably follow to compute taxes due on your income:

  • List down all your income – be it salary, rental income, capital gains, interest income or profits from your business or profession
  • Remove incomes that are exempt under law
  • Claim all applicable deductions available under every source of income . eg claim standard deduction of Rs 50,000 from salary income, claim municipal taxes from rental income, claim business related expenses from your business turnover etc
  • Claim all applicable exemptions under every head of income eg. amount reinvested in another house property can be claimed as exemption from capital gains income etc
  • Claim applicable deductions from your total income eg the 80 deductions like 80C, 80D, 80TTA, 80TTB etc
  • You will now arrive at your taxable income. Check the tax slab you fall under and accordingly arrive at your income tax payable.

The government keeps introducing and altering tax slabs, schemes and tax benefits, so it’s a good idea to keep up with the Budget.

What is computation of income?

The process of calculating taxable income after taking into account the income from all the five heads (salary, house property, capital gains, business or profession, and other sources), exemptions, deductions, rebate, set off of losses, etc., is called computation of income. After computation of income, the taxpayer can compute the income tax liability as per the Income Tax Act.

Rebate u/s 87A

Rebate under Section 87A allows taxpayers reduce their income tax liability. If you are a resident individual and the amount of your total income after reducing Chapter VI-A deductions (Section 80C, 80D, 80U, etc) does not exceed Rs 5 lakh in a financial year, you can claim a tax rebate up to Rs 12,500. This means, if your total tax payable is less than Rs 12,500, then you will not have to pay any tax.

In Budget 2023, a tax rebate on income of Rs 7 lakhs has been introduced under the new tax regime. Therefore, you do not have to pay tax if your taxable income is below 7 lakhs under the new tax regime.

e-File Returns

The taxpayer shall electronically file the income tax return through the e-filing platform of the IT department. To file the income tax return, the taxpayer should first register himself at Thereafter, the taxpayer can log in to the website and file his ITR. Also, there is no need to manually send the acknowledgement of the return to the income tax department. The income tax department now allows e-verification of the ITR in different ways, which completes the income tax return process.

What is ITR –V?

Form ITR-V is an income tax return verification form generated after the taxpayer submits files income tax return and submits it to the income tax department. The ITR-V should be e-verified or must be sent to CPC Bangalore at “Income Tax Department – CPC, Post Box No – 1, Electronic City Post Office, Bangalore – 560100, Karnataka” for verification. The ITR processing takes place only if its verification is completed.

Did you e-file your Tax return for this year?

You can file your Income Tax Return on Clear Tax. Even if you don’t know anything about taxes, we will take you step-by-step and help you e-file. Check Clear Tax Income Tax E Filing.

Income Tax Saving Instruments

The taxpayer can save tax by tax planning. A taxpayer can do tax planning by investing in tax-saving instruments. It helps in reducing the income tax liability. Section 80C to 80U of the Income Tax Act allows a deduction for certain expenditures and investments from the total computed income. Some of the popular Section 80C investments are:


Popular Section 80C Investments





5-Year Tax Saving FD


Section 80C Benefit






Type of Investment


Fixed Income

Fixed Income

Fixed Income

Fixed Income

Lock-in Period

3 Years

15 Years

5 Years

5 Years

5 Years

Maximum Investment

No Max Limit

Rs 1.5 lakh

No Max Limit

Rs 1.5 lakh

Rs 15 lakh

*ELSS and NSC have no upper investment limit. However, you get tax benefits under Section 80C only up to Rs 1.5 lakh per financial year.

Health Insurance and Medical Expense Deduction

Apart from the 80C deduction, a taxpayer can also take a tax benefit under Section 80D for health insurance premium and medical expenditure incurred for self, family and parents.

Person insured Maximum deduction Below 60 years Maximum deduction 60 years or older
You, your spouse, your children Rs. 25,000 Rs. 50,000
Your parents Rs. 25,000 Rs. 50,000
Preventative health checkup Rs. 5,000 Rs. 5,000
Maximum deduction (includes preventive health checkup) Rs. 50,000 Rs. 1,00,000

Education Loan Deduction

Under Section 80E, the taxpayer can claim a deduction for the interest paid on a loan taken for higher education. There is no limit to claim such a deduction in the income tax return.

Home Loan Deduction

Under Section 24, the taxpayer can claim a deduction for interest paid on a housing loan during the relevant financial year. The amount of deduction will depend upon whether the house is self-occupied or let out. The taxpayer can also claim a deduction of the principal amount of loan under Section 80C up to Rs 1.5 lakh.

Deduction on Maximum allowed (for self-occupied house property) Maximum allowed (for property on rent)
Stamp duty and registration + principal Rs. 1,50,000 within the overall limit of Section 80C Rs. 1,50,000 within the overall limit of Section 80C
Deduction on home loan interest under Section 24 Rs. 2,00,000 No cap (but rental income must be shown in the income tax return) Further, maximum loss from house property capped at Rs 2 lakhs
Deduction for first-time homeowners under Section 80EE *certain conditions apply Rs. 50,000

Deduction for Interest Income

The taxpayer can also claim a deduction for interest on deposits from banks under Section 80TTA of the Income Tax Act. The individuals can claim up to Rs 10,000 deduction under the said section.

Important Income Tax Dates 2023

  • 15th June 2023 – Due date for the first instalment of advance tax for the FY 2023-24
  • 15th July 2023 – Income tax return filing for FY 2022-23 for individuals and entities not liable for tax audit and who have not entered into any international or specified domestic transaction
  • 15th September 2023 – Due date for the second instalment of advance tax for the FY 2023-24
  • 30th September 2023 – Submission of audit report (Section 44AB) for AY 2023-24 for taxpayers liable for audit under the Income Tax Act.
  • 31st October 2023 – ITR filing for taxpayers requiring audit (not having international or specified domestic transactions).
  • 31st October 2023 – Submission of audit report for AY 2023-24 for taxpayers having transfer pricing and specified domestic transactions
  • 30th November 2023 – ITR filing for taxpayers requiring audit (not having international or specified domestic transactions).
  • 15th December 2023 – Due date for the third instalment of advance tax for the FY 2023-24
  • 31st December 2023 – Last date for filing a belated return or revised return for FY 2022-23.

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